As with most school breaks, the thing I enjoy most is the lack of academic demands on my time. I feel as if I am granted a brief window to catch up on life, resume friendships that have gone untended, clean my house, and read whatever I want. The challenge for me is trying to fit it all in, especially the reading. There are so many books to read, good books. I have shelves of books that I haven't yet read, and the stores are chalk full of others that call out to me whenever I walk by.
And so, with the start of this break I made a conscious decision to read diligently (of which a positive side-effect has been that I've watched a lot less television). Again, my challenge is selecting what to read, or more specifically what to finish. Finally, months later finish Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning? How about Peter Hessler's Oracle Bones: A Journey Between China's Past and Present
In the end, although reading bits and pieces of several of these, so far, I went back to a book that I first read about six years ago as part of a men's ministry program at Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley. The book is Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family
Point Man does a relatively good job of laying out the need for husbands and fathers to step up to the plate in leading their families. He outlines the Biblical role and responsibility of a husband as a leader, while making crystal clear that this leadership is not to be abused. Men are called to lead their family as a servant, as one seeking the best for those they are leading. Our model is the sacrificial love of Christ.
The book includes some kitschy humor and several silly stories, but the overall point of the book is driven home quite well. I really recommend the book to men that seek to lead their families well, particularly from a Christian worldview.
You got an interesting blog! I know another Robbie at George Fox, so I was confused at first. How did you come across me on Verve?
I was just looking at the Verve maps to see what else was going on in the Portland area and came across your blog. As I was perusing, I came across a recent mention of Francis Chan so I dug a little deeper. I attended his church for just under seven years before moving back to Portland, and now I attend one of their church plants in Tigard.
What Robbie do you know at Fox?
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