Clint Baldwin, a professor at George Fox, shared those words during his brief talk at the Midyear Commencement Lunch a few weeks back. I heard them. I wrote them down. I have been thinking about them for about two weeks now.
It's a true statement. Jesus was born a mere baby, and later was revealed as the Savior. Someday (perhaps soon?) He will return as the victorious King. What stood out to me was how obvious, yet brilliant this statement was. Why do we (read I) always seem to compartmentalize Jesus? The baby is the shepherd; the shepherd is the carpenter; the carpenter is the miracle worker; the miracle worker is the zealot overturning the tables; the zealot overturning the tables is the guy on the cross; the guy on the cross is the the one who appeared to the disciples; the one who appeared to the disciples is the King who was in the beginning and will be in the end, forever.
Still, for some reason we seldom think of Jesus with all of this at once together. Maybe like Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights we all have a favorite version of Jesus.